What's the newest Trends in Foodservice? Number One is Ethnic Cuisine, Foodies are craving foreign flavors and spices and will pay top dollar too! Try an appetizer of something Exotic or perhaps highlight something on your Specials and see how it goes before adding it as a permanent dish.
Ever hear of an "Ugly" fruit or vegetable? Ugly fruit and vegetables were all the rage in France last summer? Well, they’re here in America. They’ve actually been here this whole time — just not on most people’s plates, nor in supermarket aisles. A new Oakland-based startup called Imperfect is out to change that. Its founders, three veteran food-waste entrepreneurs, are on a mission to bring ugly produce (they prefer the term “cosmetically challenged”) to, quite literally, your doorstep. “Our bold vision is for consumers across America to have the option of having a box of Imperfect produce delivered to them weekly, for 30 to 50 percent cheaper than what they’ll find in grocery stores,” said Ben Simon, Imperfect’s cofounder.
Seasonal Sour items such as the Lemon and Key Lime are making a Summer splash and not just in Desserts. Try making a Chicken or Fish dish with Lime instead of Lemon with some fresh herbs!
Local Sourcing is still a big Trend in 2015. Chef's are sourcing ingredients from local farms and highlighting on their Menus. Consumers are enjoying knowing where their food comes from and selecting Menu items that state local sourcing. China and Flatware are also reflecting a new Rustic feel and image.
Allergens and Cross-contamination are still a big concern for Foodservice. Gluten-free, Peanut and Fish allergies are on the radar for Food Prep and Service.